Terms of sale
The following terms of sale follow the Norwegian Consumer Authority's guidelines for standards for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet.
1. The Agreement
The agreement basically consists of the information that the buyer receives in the ordering solution, as well as these standard terms and conditions. The standard terms and conditions may be deviated from in favor of the consumer if this is agreed in direct correspondence between the buyer and seller.
In cases where the agreement does not directly provide a solution to an issue, the contract must be supplemented with relevant legal provisions.
2. The parties
The seller in this agreement is Shades of Norway, operated by Bestun AS, Storengveien 6, 1358 Jar, ordre@bestun.no, tel: 98409960, org.nr: 915328121, and is hereinafter referred to as the seller/seller.
Buyer is the consumer who places the order, and is hereinafter referred to as the buyer/purchaser.
3. Prices
The stated price for the goods and services is the total price the buyer shall pay. This price includes all taxes and additional costs. Additional costs that the seller has not informed about prior to the purchase shall not be borne by the buyer.
4. The conclusion of the agreement
The agreement is binding on both parties when the buyer has sent their order to the seller. However, the agreement is not binding if there has been a typing or typing error in the seller's offer in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer's order, and the other party realized or should have realized that there was such an error.
5. Payment
The seller may require payment for the item from the time it is shipped from the seller to the buyer. If the buyer uses a credit or debit card for payment, the seller may reserve the purchase price on the card at the time of ordering.
The card will be charged the same day the item is shipped. When paying by invoice, the invoice to the buyer will be issued upon shipment of the item. The payment deadline is stated on the invoice and is a minimum of 14 days from receipt. Buyers under 18 years of age cannot pay by subsequent invoice.
6. Delivery
Delivery has occurred when the buyer, or his representative, has taken possession of the item.
If the delivery time is not stated in the order solution, the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer without undue delay and no later than 30 days after the order from the customer. The goods shall be delivered to the buyer unless otherwise specifically agreed between the parties.
7. The risk of the goods
The risk for the goods passes to the buyer when he, or his representative, has received the goods in accordance with clause 6.
8. Right of withdrawal
Unless the agreement is exempt from the right of withdrawal, the buyer may cancel the purchase of the item in accordance with the Right of Withdrawal Act.
The buyer must notify the seller of the exercise of the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the start of the period. The period includes all calendar days. If the period ends on a Saturday, public holiday or public holiday, the period is extended to the nearest working day.
The cancellation period is considered to have been met if notification is sent before the expiry of the period. The buyer has the burden of proof that the right of cancellation has been exercised, and the notification should therefore be made in writing (cancellation form, email or letter).
The withdrawal period begins to run:
- When purchasing individual items, the cancellation period will run from the day after the item(s) are received.
- If a subscription is sold, or the agreement involves regular delivery of identical goods, the deadline runs from the day after the first shipment is received.
- If the purchase consists of multiple deliveries, the cancellation period will run from the day after the last delivery is received.
The cancellation period is extended to 12 months after the expiration of the original period if the seller does not inform the buyer before the contract is concluded that there is a right of cancellation and a standardized cancellation form.
The same applies in the event of a lack of information about the terms, deadlines and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal. If the trader ensures that the information is provided within these 12 months, the withdrawal period nevertheless expires 14 days after the day the buyer received the information.
When exercising the right of withdrawal, the goods must be returned to the seller without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date of notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The buyer covers the direct costs of returning the goods, unless otherwise agreed or the seller has failed to inform that the buyer will cover the return costs. The seller cannot set a fee for the buyer's exercise of the right of withdrawal.
The buyer may try or test the goods in a reasonable manner to determine the nature, properties and function of the goods, without losing the right of withdrawal. If the testing or testing of the goods goes beyond what is reasonable and necessary, the buyer may be liable for any reduced value of the goods.
The seller is obliged to refund the purchase price to the buyer without undue delay, and no later than 14 days from the date on which the seller was notified of the buyer's decision to exercise the right of withdrawal. The seller has the right to withhold payment until he has received the goods from the buyer, or until the buyer has provided documentation that the goods have been returned.
9. Delay and non-delivery
If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers them late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act, withhold the purchase price , demand fulfillment , terminate the agreement and/or demand compensation from the seller, depending on the circumstances.
The buyer may maintain the purchase and demand fulfillment from the seller. However, the buyer may not demand fulfillment if there is an obstacle that the seller cannot overcome, or if fulfillment would entail such a great inconvenience or cost for the seller that it is significantly disproportionate to the buyer's interest in the seller's fulfillment. Should the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the buyer may still demand fulfillment.
The buyer loses his or her right to demand fulfillment if he or she waits an unreasonable amount of time to make the claim.
If the seller does not deliver the goods at the time of delivery, the buyer shall encourage the seller to deliver within a reasonable additional period of performance. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional period, the buyer may cancel the purchase.
However, the buyer may cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the goods. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, or if the buyer has informed the seller that the time of delivery is decisive.
If the item is delivered after the additional deadline set by the consumer or after the time of delivery that was decisive for the conclusion of the agreement, a claim for cancellation must be made within a reasonable time after the buyer became aware of the delivery.
The buyer may claim compensation for losses suffered as a result of the delay. However, this does not apply if the seller proves that the delay is due to an obstacle beyond the seller's control that could not reasonably have been taken into account at the time of the agreement, avoided, or the consequences of which could not have been overcome.
10. Defects in the goods – the buyer's rights and complaint period
If there is a defect in the goods, the buyer must, within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered, notify the seller that he or she will claim the defect. The buyer has always made a complaint in time if this occurs within 2 months from the time the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the goods. If the goods or parts of them are intended to last significantly longer than two years, the complaint period is five years.
If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 6, depending on the circumstances , withhold the purchase price , choose between correction and replacement , demand a price reduction , demand the agreement be terminated and/or demand compensation from the seller.
Complaints to the seller must be made in writing.
Correction or resubmission
The buyer can choose between demanding the defect be rectified or delivery of equivalent goods. The seller may, however, oppose the buyer's claim if the implementation of the claim is impossible or causes the seller unreasonable costs. Rectification or replacement shall be carried out within a reasonable time. The seller is not entitled to make more than two attempts to remedy the same defect.
Price reduction
The buyer may demand an appropriate price reduction if the goods are not repaired or replaced. This means that the ratio between the reduced and the agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the value of the goods in their defective and contractual condition. If special reasons justify it, the price reduction may instead be set equal to the significance of the defect for the buyer.
If the goods are not corrected or replaced, the buyer may also cancel the purchase when the defect is not insignificant.
11. The seller's rights in the event of the buyer's default
If the buyer does not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or the law, and this is not due to the seller or circumstances on the seller's part, the seller may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, Chapter 9, depending on the circumstances, withhold the goods , demand fulfillment of the agreement, demand the agreement be terminated and demand compensation from the buyer. The seller may also, depending on the circumstances, demand interest for late payment, collection fees and a reasonable fee for uncollected goods .
The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pay the purchase price. If the item is not delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits an unreasonable amount of time to file the claim.
The seller may terminate the agreement if there is a material default on payment or other material breach by the buyer. However, the seller may not terminate if the full purchase price has been paid. If the seller sets a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment and the buyer does not pay within this deadline, the seller may terminate the purchase.
Interest in case of late payment/collection fee
If the buyer does not pay the purchase price in accordance with the agreement, the seller may claim interest on the purchase price under the Late Payment Interest Act. In the event of non-payment, the claim may, after prior notice, be sent to The buyer may then be held liable for fees under the Collection Act.
Fee for uncollected, non-prepaid items
If the buyer fails to collect unpaid goods, the seller may charge the buyer a fee. The fee shall not exceed the seller's actual expenses for delivering the goods to the buyer. Such a fee may not be charged to buyers under the age of 18.
12. Warranty
A warranty provided by the seller or manufacturer gives the buyer rights in addition to those the buyer already has under mandatory legislation. A warranty therefore does not imply any limitations on the buyer's right to make complaints and claims in the event of delay or defects under clauses 9 and 10.
13. Personal data
The data controller for the collected personal data is the seller. Unless the buyer consents otherwise, the seller may, in accordance with the Personal Data Act, only collect and store the personal data that is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer's personal data will only be disclosed to others if it is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the agreement with the buyer, or in cases prescribed by law.
14. Conflict resolution
Complaints should be addressed to the seller at ordre@bestun.no within a reasonable time, cf. points 9 and 10. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is unsuccessful, the buyer may contact the Norwegian Consumer Council for mediation. The Norwegian Consumer Council is available by telephone at 234 00 500 or www.forbrukerradet.no.
The terms of sale follow the guidelines prepared by the Norwegian Consumer Authority for standards for consumer purchases of goods over the Internet.